How do I find a business entity in Washington DC? If you need to search existing business entities in Washington D.C., visit the Washington D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Business Entity Search and include any info you have on the business in the search cells.
How do I find a business in District of Columbia? You can find information on any corporation or business entity in the District of Columbia or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered.
How do you check if a business is registered in Washington DC?
Online via the Business License Verification system; By telephone at (202) 442 4311(Maximum of 3 requests per call); In Person, Business License Center, 1100 4th Street, SW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20024; and.
- Business Name;
- Tax Number (if available);
- Business Address;
- License Number; and/or.
- Business Activity.
How do I find a registered agent in DC? How Do I Find A Washington DC Company’s Registered Agent? Do a District of Columbia business name search. Type in the name of the company you’re searching for. In the results, you’ll find the registered agent’s name and registered office street address.
How do I find a business entity in Washington DC? – Additional Questions
Does DC require a registered agent?
Most businesses and nonprofits that form or register in Washington D.C. must have a physical registered agent in Washington D.C. at all times. This includes keeping the agent’s contact information up-to-date with the District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs – Corporations Division.
Does DC have a Secretary of State?
The current Secretary of State of the District of Columbia is Kimberly A. Bassett. The Secretary of State of the District of Columbia’s Office is composed of six divisions: The Ceremonial Services Unit processes requests for various ceremonial items such as proclamations.
How do I change my registered agent in DC?
The only way to change your Washington DC registered agent is to submit form RA-3, Statement of Change of Registered Office or Registered Agent to the Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs, Corporations Division (DCRA). Form RA-1 is included in the DCRA Registered Agent Combined Form.
What is access DC?
Access DC is a service that allows you to easily sign-in to all DCRA applications through a single login, making using our online systems easier and more secure. Once you sign in, your Access DC homepage displays all your DCRA applications in one location.
How long does it take to get a certificate of occupancy in DC?
It will either approve or deny your application for a certificate of occupancy in roughly 30 days. A certificate of occupancy number is issued upon approval, and that number is required to apply for a business license. They will also explain why they deny any application.
What does Dcra stand for?
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.
How do I renew my security license in DC?
Security Officer Renewal Documents:
Drug Screening (6 panel with levels) Fingerprint Receipt (write/type applicant name) Confirmation Receipt of Payment Application (write/type applicant name) Must be affiliated with a licensed Security Agency Business or Security Agency Individual.
How much is a DC security license?
License Type |
License Fees |
Security Officer Individual License (2 Year License) |
Total: $138 $103 payable to Pearson VUE $35 payable to DC Treasurer |
Special Police Officer Individual License |
Total: $119 $84 payable to Pearson VUE, $35 payable to DC Treasurer |
How do I get my security license in DC?
Washington, D.C., security licenses are issued through the Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs (DCRA). Obtaining a license entails classroom instruction and hands-on training, passing a licensing exam and submitting an online license application to the DCRA.
How do I get my DC real estate license?
Complete 60-hour salesperson pre-licensing education from a DC Real Estate Commission-approved educational provider.
- Two (2) years’ experience as a licensed salesperson.
- Complete a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission (DCREC) approved Fair Housing course.
- Passing score on the state (DC) portion of the Broker exam.
How much does a realtor make in DC?
According to, the average salary for a D.C. Metro area REALTOR® is $80,659. That wage number is about 30% above the national average for all American job salaries!
How hard is the DC real estate exam?
The passing rate for the Washington DC Real Estate Salesperson Exam is 75%. This test is purposefully difficult, but not impossible. Be sure to pay attention during your pre-license course and take studying seriously.
How many questions are on the DC real estate exam?
How many questions are there on the Washington, D.C. real estate exam? There are a total of 110 questions on the exam. There are 80 questions on the National portion and 30 questions on the State portion.
How much is the DC real estate exam?
The fee to take the District of Columbia real estate exam is $61.50. The application fee for the DC real estate license is $255.
How do I schedule a DC real estate exam?
Schedule the DC real estate licensing examination by visiting or call PSI at (855) 557-0616. Be sure to request either Broker or Salesperson state exam only.
What is the current per licensee maximum that can be collected from the DC real estate guaranty and education fund?
The consumers applied to the guaranty fund, and they discovered that they won’t each receive full payment since the fund liability is limited to $50,000 per licensee.
What is the max payment out of the guaranty fund?
Most guaranty funds limit the amount they pay to the amount of coverage provided by the policy or $300,000, whichever is less. These coverage “caps” are fixed by state law; the guaranty funds play no role in setting coverage caps.